A municipal utility district is responsible for providing water and sewer services to the communities within the boundaries of the district. The infrastructure of a District includes the following: water plants, wastewater treatment plants, water distribution systems and sanitary sewer conveyance systems. It is the responsibility of the District to maintain the infrastructure within the District to ensure they can provide safe and reliable drinking water for the residents as well as means of conveyance of the resulting wastes. Through routine inspections, rehabilitations and replacements, the District monitors the facilities to protect the health and public safety of residents in the District.
Over the years, HCMUD 162 has been proactive with these necessary maintenance projects. The District has inspected and rehabilitated the sanitary sewer lines in the district that posed a threat for failure. At the water plant facilities, the District routinely inspects the facilities and has performed coating projects to extend the life of the water plant facilities.
Moving forward, the District will continue in a proactive manner with maintenance and rehabilitation of their facilities. Some of the upcoming projects include electrical improvements at the water plant, water plant facility coating projects, replacing the residential water meters in the District to help ensure water meter accuracy, and additional sanitary sewer rehabilitation. In addition, the District shares in maintenance costs for the joint wastewater treatment plant.