Voluntary Water Conservation in Effect

The District requests a Voluntary Water Conservation by residents due to the extreme high heat and lack of rain we have received lately.  We ask that you observe the following guidelines below:

  • Odd numbered addresses water on odd number dates
  • Even numbered addresses water on even number dates
  • Watering allowed between 4 am – 8 am and 8 pm to Midnight

For more information contact the District’s operator H20 Consulting at (281) 861-6215.

Water Wise

The Directors of MUD 162 believe every resident in our district, no matter what age, has a personal responsibility to use water wisely. The Directors work together with the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District to support programs such as Water Wise that bring education and awareness into the classroom to help our children understand the importance of water conservation and to assist them in ways both they and their families can conserve water.

Working in conjunction with educators we hope to introduce to our young residents the value of water in our daily lives and how we must all do our part to practice conservation. Each school year, MUD 162 provides funding to support the distribution of hands-on kits to fifth graders in the District. The kits contain a variety of tools to aid in this learning process which each child may take home and share with his or her family. The kit includes:

index.4High Efficiency Showerhead: With a lifetime warranty and a chrome-plated, solid brass hex head, this water-saving showerhead is an easy, first step to conserving water in the bathroom.

index.5Multi-Swivel Kitchen Aerator: Install this onto your current kitchen sink faucet and start saving water at an astonishing 2.0 gpm (gallons per minute). It’s easy to install and is conveniently adjustable for spray or stream.

index.6Flip Lever Bathroom Aerator: This interesting gadget is another way to conserve in the bathroom. Put it on full-flow for shaving and adjust to trickle-flow to maintain water temperature.

index.7Toilet Leak Detector Tablets: Leaky toilets can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water per year. Check for leaks with these easy-to-use detector tablets – just drop them in and see if the water turns blue!

index.8Water Temp Check Card: For every 10 degrees Fahrenheit that you lower your water temperature, you can save 6% off your water heating bill. Dip the card into a cup filled with your faucet’s hottest water – and find out how little it takes for you to make a difference.

index.9Mini Tape Measure: Calculate the volume of water your toilet uses with every flush.

index.10Flowrate Test Bag: Determine how much you are conserving by testing the flow rate of your old showerhead versus your new high efficiency showerhead. The test bag is easy to use and takes only 5 seconds!

Water is a natural resource that we must protect and conserve for our future. The Board supports conservation programs such as this so that our youngest residents will understand the value of this precious commodity and will work with their family and friends to protect it.